Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week 1: Introduction

    • Download: Week 1 Workbook

    • Mindful Moment: Observing Our Surroundings

    • Hello!

    • Completing the course on Thinkific

    • How to Join the Educator Collective

    • Accountability, Accessibility, and Inclusive Learning

    • About Yoga Ed.

    • About This Course

    • Course Objectives

    • What We'll Learn

    • What Is Yoga?

    • What Is Mindfulness?

    • Curriculum Overview

    • Chair Yoga Practice for You

    • Closing Circle: Week 1

    • Download: Course Syllabus

    • Download: Chair Yoga for Children: A Classroom Guide

    • Download: Sample Lesson Plans

    • Download: Lesson Plan Templates

  • 2

    Week 2: Chair Yoga and Mindfulness in Education

    • Download: Week 2 Workbook

    • Mindful Moment: Be a Superhero

    • What Is Chair Yoga?

    • Why Is Chair Yoga and Mindfulness Beneficial to Teachers and Students?

    • Physical Health

    • Emotional Wellness and Mental Health

    • Social Relationships

    • Closing Circle: Week 2

  • 3

    Week 3: Lesson Planning

    • Download: Week 3 Workbook

    • Mindful Moment: What Makes You Smile?

    • Chair Yoga Practice for Grades 1 - 3

    • How to Lesson Plan

    • Creating Your Lesson Plan

    • Closing Circle: Week 3

  • 4

    Week 4: Yoga and Mindfulness Tools

    • Download: Week 4 Workbook

    • Mindful Moment: Internal Weather

    • Introduction to Yoga Breathing

    • Balloon Breath

    • Bear Breath

    • Easy Breath

    • Feeling Breath

    • Humming Breath

    • Ocean Breath

    • Sounding Breath

    • Joy Breath

    • Lion Breath

    • Practice Opportunity #1: Breathwork

    • Introduction to Yoga Postures

    • Seated Poses

    • Easy Pose

    • Neck Circles

    • Shoulder Circles with Arm Variation

    • Side Stretch with Arm Variation

    • Sunshine Arms with Ocean Breath

    • Standing Poses

    • Blown Palm with Hand Variation

    • Downward Dog

    • Mountain

    • Star

    • Triangle

    • Warrior I

    • Introduction to Balancing Poses

    • Chair with Hand Variation

    • Eagle with Arm Variation

    • Tree

    • Introduction to Backbends

    • Hands Interlaced Behind Back

    • Rainbow Spine

    • Introduction to Twists

    • Helicopter Arms

    • Seated Twist

    • Introduction to Forward Folds

    • Seated Forward Fold

    • Seated Half Pigeon

    • Introduction to Restoratives

    • Constructive Rest

    • Legs Up the Chair

    • Seated Forward Fold at Desk

    • How to Sequence Yoga Poses

    • Practice Opportunity #2: Yoga Poeses

    • Introduction to Brain Breaks

    • All Good Things

    • Blink Snap

    • Washing Out and Tapping In

    • Stop the Rock

    • Yogi(ni) Benders

    • Yogi(ni) Does

    • Introduction to Relaxation

    • Awakening Gratitude

    • Balloon Breath

    • Inner Advisor

    • Inner Mountain

    • Silence and Stillness

    • Tense and Release

    • Chair Yoga Practice for Grades 4 to 5

    • Closing Circle: Week 4

  • 5

    Week 5: Implementation

    • Download: Week 5 Workbook

    • Mindful Moment: Bubble Breathing

    • Instructions For Use

    • Your Yoga and Mindfulness Toolbelt

    • Getting Started

    • Frequency and Dosage

    • Suggested Starting Point

    • Classroom Action Plan

    • Closing Circle: Week 5

  • 6

    Week 6: Creating Classroom Community and Completing This Course

    • Download: Week 6 Workbook

    • Mindful Moment: Waves of Emotions

    • The Art of Becoming a Yoga Educator

    • The Internal Practice: How You are in Relationship with Yourself

    • Self-Awareness

    • Practice: Self-Awareness

    • Authenticity

    • Practice: Authenticity

    • Curiosity

    • Practice: Curiosity

    • Self-Compassion

    • Practice: Self-Compassion

    • Empathy

    • Practice: Empathy

    • The External Practice: The Way You Engage with Your Students

    • Effective Communication

    • Interactivity

    • Flexibility

    • Proactive Classroom Management

    • Classroom Boundaries

    • Understanding Behavior

    • Creating a Calm Classroom

    • Closing Circle: Week 6

    • How to Receive Your Certificate

    • Final Lesson Plan & Reflection

    • Congratulations! Course Evaluation

    • Continue learning with us!