Chair Yoga & Mindfulness for Children: Simple Practices for Focus, Calm, & Joy (2024)
Increase focus, reduce stress, and regulate behavior through chair yoga and mindful practices.
Download: Week 1 Workbook
Mindful Moment: Observing Our Surroundings
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How to Join the Educator Collective
Accountability, Accessibility, and Inclusive Learning
About Yoga Ed.
About This Course
Course Objectives
What We'll Learn
What Is Yoga?
What Is Mindfulness?
Curriculum Overview
Chair Yoga Practice for You
Closing Circle: Week 1
Download: Course Syllabus
Download: Chair Yoga for Children: A Classroom Guide
Download: Sample Lesson Plans
Download: Lesson Plan Templates
Download: Week 2 Workbook
Mindful Moment: Be a Superhero
What Is Chair Yoga?
Why Is Chair Yoga and Mindfulness Beneficial to Teachers and Students?
Physical Health
Emotional Wellness and Mental Health
Social Relationships
Closing Circle: Week 2
Download: Week 3 Workbook
Mindful Moment: What Makes You Smile?
Chair Yoga Practice for Grades 1 - 3
How to Lesson Plan
Creating Your Lesson Plan
Closing Circle: Week 3
Download: Week 4 Workbook
Mindful Moment: Internal Weather
Introduction to Yoga Breathing
Balloon Breath
Bear Breath
Easy Breath
Feeling Breath
Humming Breath
Ocean Breath
Sounding Breath
Joy Breath
Lion Breath
Practice Opportunity #1: Breathwork
Introduction to Yoga Postures
Seated Poses
Easy Pose
Neck Circles
Shoulder Circles with Arm Variation
Side Stretch with Arm Variation
Sunshine Arms with Ocean Breath
Standing Poses
Blown Palm with Hand Variation
Downward Dog
Warrior I
Introduction to Balancing Poses
Chair with Hand Variation
Eagle with Arm Variation
Introduction to Backbends
Hands Interlaced Behind Back
Rainbow Spine
Introduction to Twists
Helicopter Arms
Seated Twist
Introduction to Forward Folds
Seated Forward Fold
Seated Half Pigeon
Introduction to Restoratives
Constructive Rest
Legs Up the Chair
Seated Forward Fold at Desk
How to Sequence Yoga Poses
Practice Opportunity #2: Yoga Poeses
Introduction to Brain Breaks
All Good Things
Blink Snap
Washing Out and Tapping In
Stop the Rock
Yogi(ni) Benders
Yogi(ni) Does
Introduction to Relaxation
Awakening Gratitude
Balloon Breath
Inner Advisor
Inner Mountain
Silence and Stillness
Tense and Release
Chair Yoga Practice for Grades 4 to 5
Closing Circle: Week 4
Download: Week 5 Workbook
Mindful Moment: Bubble Breathing
Instructions For Use
Your Yoga and Mindfulness Toolbelt
Getting Started
Frequency and Dosage
Suggested Starting Point
Classroom Action Plan
Closing Circle: Week 5
Download: Week 6 Workbook
Mindful Moment: Waves of Emotions
The Art of Becoming a Yoga Educator
The Internal Practice: How You are in Relationship with Yourself
Practice: Self-Awareness
Practice: Authenticity
Practice: Curiosity
Practice: Self-Compassion
Practice: Empathy
The External Practice: The Way You Engage with Your Students
Effective Communication
Proactive Classroom Management
Classroom Boundaries
Understanding Behavior
Creating a Calm Classroom
Closing Circle: Week 6
How to Receive Your Certificate
Final Lesson Plan & Reflection
Congratulations! Course Evaluation
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