Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week 1: Introduction

    • Hello!

    • How to Join the Educator Collective

    • Completing the course on Thinkific

    • Accountability, Accessibility, and Inclusive Learning

    • Download: Course Syllabus

    • About Yoga Ed.

    • About This Course

    • Course Objectives

    • What We'll Learn

    • Curriculum Overview

    • What Is Yoga?

    • What Is Mindfulness?

    • Practice: Introduction

    • Practice: Yoga Class for Grades 6 - 8

    • Debrief: Yoga Class for Grades 6 - 8

    • Closing Circle: Week 1

    • Download: Curriculum for This Course (Teacher's Guide and Student's Guide)

    • Download: Sample Lesson Plans

    • Download: Blank Lesson Plan Template

  • 2

    Week 2: The Practice of Being a Yoga Educator

    • National PE Standards

    • National Health Standards

    • How Does Yoga Benefit Adolescents?

    • Creating Theme & Concepts

    • What Does it Mean to be a Yoga Educator?

    • Be/Do/Have: Intention/Action/Outcome

    • It Starts with You (i.e. Your Internal Practice)

    • Pillar 1: Self-Awareness

    • Activity: Self-Awareness

    • Pillar 2: Authenticity

    • Activity: Authenticity

    • Pillar 3: Curiosity

    • Activity: Curiosity

    • Pillar 4: Self-Compassion

    • Activity: Self-Compassion

    • Pillar 5: Empathy

    • Activity: Empathy

    • Taking the Practice Outwards (i.e. Your External Practice)

    • Pillar 1: Effective Communication

    • Pillar 2: Interactivity

    • Pillar 3: Flexibility

    • Practice: Introduction

    • Practice: Yoga Class for Grades 9 - 12

    • Debrief: Yoga Class for Grades 9 - 12

    • Closing Circle: Week 2

  • 3

    Week 3: Positive Classroom Management & Lesson Planning

    • How to Create a Safe Space for Effective Teaching and Engaged Learning

    • 4 Things to be Aware of in Your Yoga Environment

    • Intentions of Teaching

    • Balancing Student Engagement & Disengagement

    • Dynamic Teaching

    • Understanding Student Behavior

    • How to Create Clear, Consistent Classroom Boundaries

    • Your Theme & Concept

    • Components of a Lesson Plan

    • Lesson Planning for Different Age Groups

    • How to Create a Yoga Sequence

    • Practice Opportunity #1

    • The Yoga Toolbelt

    • Closing Circle: Week 3

  • 4

    Week 4: Brain-Based Learning

    • What is Brain-Based Learning?

    • Structure and Functions of the Brain

    • How Can Yoga Boost Learning?

    • Teaching to the Developing Brain

    • What is SEL? Why Does it Matter?

    • Practice: Teens Yoga Class to Support SEL

    • Closing Circle: Week 4

  • 5

    Week 5: Understanding Teen's Anatomy and Physiology

    • Adolescent Development

    • Anatomy and the Yoga Practice

    • Adolescent's Physiology

    • Providing Pose Variations & Modifications to Support Teens

    • Practice: Teen's Yoga Class For Runners

    • Closing Circle: Week 5

  • 6

    Week 6: Breathing, Warm Ups, and Poses

    • Introduction to Yoga Breathing

    • Balloon Breath

    • Bear Breath

    • Bunny Breath

    • Easy Breath

    • Feeling Breath

    • Hissing Breath

    • Humming Breath

    • Left-Right Breath

    • Ocean Breath

    • Rainbow Breath

    • Sounding Breath

    • Joy Breath

    • Lion Breath

    • Introduction to Yoga Warm-Ups

    • Sun Salute A

    • Sun Salute B

    • Yoga Pose Pattern

    • Yoga Pose Repetition

    • Introduction to Adolescents' Yoga Poses

    • On Your Feet: Strengthen with Standing Poses

    • Blown Palm

    • Chair

    • Crescent Lunge

    • Downward Dog

    • Dragon / Low Lunge

    • Extended Side Angle

    • Folding Star

    • Mountain

    • Pyramid

    • Reverse Warrior

    • Star

    • Table

    • Triangle

    • Twisting Chair

    • Twisting Crescent Lunge

    • Twisting Dragon / Twisting Low Lunge

    • Twisting Star

    • Warrior I

    • Warrior II

    • Connect with Your Core: Focus with Balancing Poses

    • Arrow / Side Plank

    • Bat

    • Bat 2

    • Boat

    • Bug

    • Crow

    • Dancer

    • Eagle

    • Flower

    • Plank

    • Rocking Horse

    • Rocking Horse to Stand

    • Sailboat

    • Tree

    • Warrior III

    • Change Your View: Calm Down with Inversions

    • Dolphin

    • Plow

    • Shoulder Stand

    • Pace Yourself: Energize with Backbends

    • Bow

    • Bridge

    • Camel

    • Cat and Cow

    • Cobra

    • Shark

    • Slide

    • Swan / Half Bow

    • Upward Dog

    • Wheel

    • Move Freely: Increase Mobility with Hip Openers

    • Frog

    • Pigeon

    • Pigeon on Back

    • Seated Side Bend

    • Telephone

    • Yoga Hops

    • Clear Your Mind: Cleanse with Twist

    • Lying Twist

    • Pretzel

    • Thread the Needle

    • Twisting Frog

    • Soften Your Body: Release with Forward Folds

    • Butterfly

    • Half Staff

    • Peacock / Wide Angle

    • Ragdoll

    • Rock

    • Seated Forward Fold

    • Staff Pose

    • Turtle

    • Balance Your Day: Relax with Restoratives

    • Candle

    • Constructive Rest

    • Easy Pose

    • Legs Up the Wall

    • Resting Pose

    • Weaving Your Theme & Concept Past the Discussion

    • Practice Opportunity #2

    • Closing Circle: Week 6

  • 7

    Week 7: Partner Poses, Games, and Relaxation

    • Introduction to Yoga Partner Poses

    • Back-to-Back Chair

    • Double Boat

    • Double Dancer

    • Double Dog

    • Double Pretzel

    • Double Tree

    • Double Triangle

    • Double Twist

    • Elevator

    • Front-Facing Chair

    • Rooftops

    • Introduction to Yoga Games

    • Appreciation Circle

    • Circle of Friends

    • Human Knot

    • Islands and Oceans

    • Laughing Circle

    • Mirrors

    • Stop the Rock

    • Wash Away

    • Yogi Does

    • Yogi Says

    • Introduction to Relaxation

    • Teaching Relaxation

    • Container

    • Feelings

    • Grateful

    • Guiding Star

    • Inner Advisor

    • Inner Mountain

    • Loving Kindness

    • Observation

    • Positivity

    • Sensations

    • Tense and Release

    • Silence and Stillness

    • The Practice of Relaxation

    • Practice Opportunity #3

    • Closing Circle: Week 7

  • 8

    Week 8: Bringing Yoga Education into the World

    • Teacher Resources

    • Future Forward

    • Download: Future Forward Worksheet

    • Getting My Start Teaching Teen's Yoga

    • Download: Business Worksheet

    • Closing Circle: Week 8

    • How to Receive Your Certificate

    • Final Lesson Plan & Reflection

    • Bonus Practice: Chair Yoga for Adults (Yoga for Landing)

    • Congratulations! Course Evaluation